Top 35 Foods to Increase Blood Platelets Count Naturally

Top 35 Foods to Increase Blood Platelets Count Naturally


Have the recent blood test reports thrown you into a soup? Is your blood platelet count abnormally low? Well, keep your worries aside as we have a list of foods that can help to revive the declining level of platelets in the blood. Apart from taking medications, it is essential to eat the right foods to be healthy and robust.

Read on to find out more about the best foods to boost blood platelets counts

What do you mean by blood platelet count?

The platelet count is derived through a blood test that determines the level of platelets or blood-clotting cells (thrombocytes) in the blood. The average blood platelet count is about 150,000-400,000 platelets in a microliter of the blood sample. Many reasons can hamper your blood count as a viral infection, or a deficiency of vitamin B-12, folate or iron, aplastic anemia and more. If you experience heavy bleeding, nosebleeds or more extended periods, be alarmed as it might be due to a low in the blood platelet count.

But regulating the count is in your hands. By making a few changes in your diet and lifestyle, you can make yourself healthy and happy. Read on as we list the best 35 foods that help to boost the platelet count.

Top 35 foods to boost blood platelets count instantly and naturally

1. Papaya

The consumption of one ripe papaya twice a week helps in increasing the blood platelet count quickly.

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2. Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice has innumerable health benefits  and even its seeds are rich in iron and vitamins that help in enhancing the blood platelet count. It is especially suitable for quickening the recovery from dengue.

3. Wheatgrass

Drink half a cup of fresh wheatgrass juice every day to elevate the blood platelet count effectively.

4. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a superfood that can regulate the synthesis of proteins and increase the blood count. Drinking fresh pumpkin juice is excellent for low blood platelet count. A recent study it is found that drinking as little as a one-quarter cup of pomegranate juice daily may improve cardiovascular health by reducing oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

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5. Beetroot

Eating a bowl of boiled beetroot twice in a week can increase the blood platelet count.

6. Fish

Eating baked and boiled fish is suitable for pumping the platelet count.

7. Oranges

The consumption of oranges and other foods rich in vitamin C help to increase the platelet count.

8. Indian Gooseberry

Indian gooseberry or amla enhance the immunity and boost the production of platelets.

9. Sesame oil

Sesame oil is one of the best in the list of foods to boost blood platelets count in no time. Take 1-2 tablespoons of sesame oil twice daily.

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10. Flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil boosts the immune system, improves blood circulation, and increases blood platelet count (2).

11. Leafy green vegetables

Leafy green veggies are not only good for your digestive system but are the best foods to boost blood platelets count.

12. Almond

Almonds possess essential vitamins and minerals which makes it remarkably effective in boosting the level of platelets in the blood.

13. Celery

Celery is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals which make it excellent for boosting the blood platelet count.

14. Milk

Drinking fresh milk on a daily basis can help in boosting the platelet count in the blood.

15. Dates

Dates are sweet, nutritious, and one of the best foods to boost blood platelet count.

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16. Plum

Plum possesses a host of antioxidants which combat against oxidative stress and improve the blood platelet count effectively.

17. Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is sweet, tender, and delicious. It possesses potent abilities to increase the blood platelet count effectively.

18. Walnuts

Walnuts possess vitamin K and fibrinogen that boost the absorption of calcium and enhance the platelet count.

19. Raisins

Raisins are rich in iron which assists in normalizing the blood platelet count naturally.

20. Apricot

Apricot is not only rich in iron but is excellent for the enhancement of blood platelet count.

21. Carrots

Besides being excellent for the eyes, carrots help in the maintenance of blood platelet count at an average level.

22. Aloe vera

Aloe Vera helps to boost the immune system and enhance the blood platelet count.

23. Beans

Don’t miss out on beans, one of the healthiest foods to boost blood platelet count.

24. Garlic

Garlic acts as a blood detoxifier and helps in increasing the platelet count as well.

25. Whole grains

Whole grains contain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that work to enhance the blood platelet count effectively and naturally.

26. Oyster

Oyster is a rich source of zinc and can effectively increase the synthesis of blood cells and blood platelets.

27. Egg yolk

Egg yolk is one of the best foods to boost blood platelet count. Breakfast on a combination of hot milk with egg yolk to enhance the platelet count.

28. Honey

Honey is rich in nutrients which work to improve the immune system and boost the platelet count in the blood.

29. Kiwi

Kiwi fruit is rich, exotic, delicious, and incredibly useful in increasing the blood platelet count effectively.

30. Tamarind

Tamarind is rich in antioxidants which fight against oxidative damage and enhance the blood platelet count.

31. Strawberry

Fresh and juicy strawberries help in increasing the blood platelet count effectively.

32. Figs

Figs are rich in calcium which makes it one of the best foods to boost the blood platelet count.

33. Spinach

Spinach is rich in with vitamin K which makes it incredibly beneficial for the enhancement of platelet count in the blood. Steamed spinach and spinach juice is good for the natural treatment of low platelet count

34. Pistachio

Pistachio is rich in vitamin K which is responsible for increasing the blood platelet count naturally. Sprinkle your cup of yogurt with chopped pistachios and fight the low level of platelets naturally.

35. Yogurt

The consumption of plain and unsweetened yogurt on a daily basis is excellent for fighting against low platelet count.


If you are suffering from dengue or recovering from it, then the list of foods to boost blood platelets count is the best for you. The consumption of these foods on a daily basis helps to fight against the dipping level of blood platelets and normalize its number to stay healthy and robust.

Author Bio:

Dr.Sohil Guntagani is a proficient writer who firmly believes in the age-old remedies and holistic medicine as a primary cure for several diseases. After graduating from Rajeev Gandhi University Of Health Sciences, He embarked on a journey to find the truth about holistic and natural remedies.


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