11 Best Ways to Make Money Online

It’s always nice to have a little extra money.  Sometimes having a normal full time job just doesn’t cut it when you’re looking to add on all the little extras in life. Below, we have listed some of our best ways to make money online.

Best Ways to Make Money Online

In no particular order:

1. Take Online Surveys ($200+ per month)

There is a ton of money to be made participating in online surveys.  Everything in marketing these days is driven by ads.  Ads are everywhere.  The only problem is companies have a hard time figuring out how to target those ads.

Marketing campaigns put together online surveys to gather knowledge.  They don’t know what people are looking for.  Companies want to make products you’re actually going to buy.  These companies need to know what you want.

Participate in online surveys, tests, add your opinion. You will get paid for each successful completion of a survey.  Companies are paying you for your time because they want to get a better idea of what the market really wants. The best ways to make money online for these companies is if you help them.

How to do this:

Here are some of the most popular paid survey websites.  The sites are free to sign up and besides the cash you also get free products.

Survey Junkie
Inbox Dollars ($5 dollar sign up bonus)


2. Freelance Jobs (Work From Home)

A lot of people seem to think that getting freelance Jobs is complicated.  It’s really no more complicated than any other method of making extra money on the side. Some people think that you have to quit your job to do freelance work.  Well, you don’t have to unless you want too.

Entry Level to Professional Gigs

If you feel you have something you’re good at or something you’d like to get better at, then Freelance might be for you.  These sites generally have tons of different types of job listings and categories that range from “Entry Level” to “Professional”.

Get On a Freelance Website

Here are a few big freelance websites:

*Check out Entrepreneur.com for a full list of freelance websites.

Just fill out a basic profile and apply for a job.  Some jobs are large and on-going while some are short one time projects.  If you have other things in your life just ask clients for a deadline that suits you.  It really is that simple, although you will be a better applicant if you have samples of your work on hand.

No Boss

One of the best ways to make money online because eventually you won’t have to rely on your 9-5 or just one company as your source of income.  This could become your own business where no one lurks over your shoulder.

Freelance work Online can make money on the side

3. Create a Blog (Content Creator)

Do you like writing? Become a content creator!

Free Blog Websites

Create a website where you get to express your own ideas and opinions about anything you want.  People interested in the same types of things will often come to see what you have to share. Get on a site like WordPress.org or Blogger.com and start sharing your ideas with the Bleeping World!

Monetize For Revenue

Don’t forget to monetize your blog.  Sign up for an Adsense account or another ad network provider and then collect the advertising fees.  As your blog grows you will get offers and can apply for higher paying advertisement networks. This could also include people willing to pay you to blog about their products or services.

Passive Revenue

Just make sure you have a contact page or email listed. It’s hard to receive offers if companies have no way of reaching you.  You can also place affiliate links to products in your blogs.  If you have trouble thinking of blogging topics, visit our steps for Picking A Blog Niche

Unique Content

If you don’t know enough about websites and hosting providers or are intimidated by the whole process, then you could always write for others.  Websites are always look for genuine unique content.  If you have trouble finding websites that will buy your blogs, try referring back to the freelance sites.

Search for jobs under “Copy Writer” or “Content Writer“.  Once you become established the payouts per article are huge, making this one of the best ways to make money online.

4. Create an Authority Site

Build a website based around delivering high quality content.  This is like a blog but requires more website building experience.  It’s not absolutely necessary though. It’s possible to customize a professional looking website with simple out of the box tools.  You could always hire someone for the dirty work when your site gets big.

Make Money in a Niche

Your Authority Website will generally have more topics and categories then a blog.  However, you can become an authority within a certain niche. With an authority site you are generally a well-respected and highly knowledgeable resource for various communities. People are always looking for the latest news and answers to their questions.  This type of site relies on more facts then opinions.  Get paid by monetizing with ads, placing affiliate links, receiving offers to promote goods or services.

Authority Website creation best Ways to make money online

5. Make Money Building Websites & Tools

Put together website templates that businesses can just drop their content in to.  Pick a platform or technology and start coding art.  Businesses sometimes lack a presence online.  Going door to door just might land you a few gigs.  You could also stroll over to some websites that you think might benefit from a website update and drop them an email.

Create Website Plugins

This also includes add on, plugins, or script tools that can help a business page perform a certain duty. There are many online market places where you can list your website creations and sell them.

Drop Shipping

You can also use your templates and plugins to create your own website.  Create a shop and buy wholesale products or become a drop shipper.  Depending on what type of site you are creating you might be able to place affiliate links here as well.  This is one of the best ways to make money online because you can pull in multiple methods of making money.

6. Graphic Design Money

Create business logos and banners

Branding is the most important part of any business.  Many businesses look for graphic designers to help market their brand by creating catchy graphics.


Infographics are another form of design that is catching on rapidly.  Combining the power of articles and images.  To create an infographic is almost like creating a comic book.  Using catchy images with colorful text to capture the readers attention.  Info graphics can sell for as much as $2,000 dollars and beyond.  The’re a lot of work but the pay off is huge!

Design Graphics as one best Ways to make money online

7. Write an E-book

E-Book’s don’t have to be long and can be sold on Amazon Kindle E-Books or just about any e-commerce website or platform.

Passive Revenue

An E-Book will earn you countless passive revenue once all said and done.  It’s easy and there’s really nothing to maintain afterwards. Making it one of the best ways to make money online because it’s like an autopilot for generating revenue.  Start out at $10 dollars a book and they will usually fly off the shelf.  The best part is you have an unlimited supply!

After you learn the ropes, bump up the price.

8. Create a Podcast

Do you like creating videos or just audio tracks with valuable content. You can create a podcast on pretty much anything and sell products or earn money through advertisements.  This is really easy, if you’ve ever heard a bad podcast then you know there really is no quality standard.  Although, creating some interesting topics and quality audio content is sure to take you much farther.  This is one of the best ways to make money online because it’s easy.

Make money online by Creating PodCasts On How To Lessons

9. Make Money Online with Videos


Create and upload videos to YouTube.  You can monetize your videos by connecting to AdSense.  By monetizing your videos you generate a certain amount of money when someone views your video and even more when they click an ad. You could also place affiliate links in your descriptions to earn even more.

You can’t just post any old videos on YouTube though, there are rules.  We will be posting more on making money with YouTube in the coming future.  We will update here once the articles have been published [coming soon].


Twitch.tv is another popular one.  It does require you to have a YouTube account though.  Mainly focused towards the gamer’s.  But if you’re in to online gaming why not make money online doing something you love!

Twitch works by setting up a live stream on your computer where others can watch you play in real time.


10. Take Pictures

There are a lot of sites that allow you to take pictures and upload them.  You then make money every time someone downloads a copy of your picture.  A lot of these picture selling sites will have you list off print sizes.  The larger the copy the higher the photo price which means more money in your pocket.

Some sites where you can sell your images for hundreds of dollars:

*Check out Penny Hoarder for more info on these companies that pay you for your images.

How to do this:

This may require a good quality camera.  Pictures may require a certain resolution and quality. This is probably the easiest out of all the best ways to make money online.

best Ways to make money online by Taking Pictures and Selling


*These sites may require pictures from a DSLR Camera:

11. Affiliate Advertisements

Sign up with a company and promote their products.  You earn a commission every time you sell their products.  Which is nice because you don’t have to do any packing or shipping. Most companies are pretty easy to get accepted in to.  Some of the bigger names are:

If you’re looking for the big payout then pay close attention to the percentage of payout per item. Most companies will have a flat rate.  While others may exclude certain products or services from the payout.  Ever seen a company that specializes in mainly in electronics and doesn’t payout for electronic products sales?  We have.

How to do this:

You don’t need a website for this.  Many social media sites now allow direct affiliate links to your affiliate products.  Just drop a link with your assigned affiliate ID in almost any place you can place text online. This is one of these best ways to make money online because you can find affiliate networks that are willing to pay really large commission percentages. It’s almost like selling your own product except with no overhead.

Some popular websites where you can earn affiliate commissions.

Amazon (0%-10% on purchase price)

shareasale.com (5%-50% depending on company rate)

12. Sell Homemade Handcrafts (DIY)

Make crafts at home, some ideas for things you can create:

  • Greeting Cards – For every event.
  • Picture frames
  • Earrings & Bracelets
  • Necklaces
  • Paintings
  • Knit Blankets & Scarves
  • Decor & Pottery

and other items from supplies you can find at your local hobby shop.  Take some nice pictures and a catchy description.

Go Sell and Make Money Online

Then go sell them on EBay, Amazon, Etsy or your own blog. The best part is you get to list your own creations, watch the sales, and adjust prices however you see fit. $20-$100 per item!  While the supplies may only cost you 1 or 2 dollars.

How to do this:

Think of something that you can create.  Once you’ve settled on one or a couple start creating those products.  Head over to some online markets and sign up to start selling.

DIY best Ways to make money online creating Art


The Make Money Online Guide

We have gone over some of the best ways to make money online.  Please share with us your comment below.  Let us know which method you think is best and why.


Other Ways to make money with the Internet:

AirBNB – Rent out your space to Vacationers and Business travelers



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Don Johnson

Writer & Blogger

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