How To Change My Netflix Password

Sharing passwords is not advised on some video sharing Applications or Networks.  Fortunately, Netflix allows the sharing of passwords.  This streaming service has multiple levels of accounts.  If you pay a little more then you can upgrade to a plan that allow multiple devices to be logged in at the same time.

If you are sharing an account with others you might want to change your Netflix password.  Something not so personal.

Instructions: Change Netflix Password

Step 1

1:  Login to Netflix.  To Login click the previous link and head to the home page and click the button on the top right.

How To Change My Netflix Password

Step 2

2:  Enter your email and password.  If you lost your credentials then you can click the link below the password box “Forgot your email or password?”

How To Change My Netflix Password

Step 3

3: on the top right side of the screen look for your personal icons and click them.  Then choose the link “Your Account”

How To Change My Netflix Password

Step 4

4: Now, on the right side under your change email is the “Change password” link.  Click the link.

How To Change My Netflix PasswordHow To Change My Netflix Password

Step 5

5: Enter the “Current Password”, “New password”, and “Confirm new password” in to the boxes and hit save.

How To Change My Netflix Password


Changing your Netflix password is actually quite easy if you know where to look for the buttons.  With all the pictures and video animations going on in every web page in can be hard to see which buttons need clicking.

Change My Netflix Password on Mobile

As of January 17th you are now able to change your password on mobile devices such as Android, iPhone, and various tablets.  I have download the Netflix Application and was able to change my Netflix Password from my device.

Netflix Blocked

There are 3 different plans.

The basic plan allows for 1 screen.  That means if you are sharing your account and the other person tries to login and watch something when you’re already watching they will get Netflix blocked.

If you have the premium plan then you can have up to 4 people watching at the exact same time.  If a fifth person comes along then they will be Netflix blocked.  It is also good to keep in mind that if you’re sharing an account then you should close your Netflix browser window or application when you’re finished.  Leaving it open can count as an active screen.



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Don Johnson

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